Jan 5, 2012

Gorgodze Returns his Title

After a year vacation, Mamuka Gorgodze - the third-liner of Georgian national rugby team and French “Montpellier”, returned title of athlete of year. 
The best sportsman of 2008 and 2009 year of Georgia, gave in this title to Davit Zirakishvili and this year “Gorgodzila” became favorite of coaches, journalists and specialists. A day before, he was named as athlete of year by Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs. Gorgodze is in France and his team is to hold match on January 31 and that’s why he could not arrive in Georgia and Vasil Abashidze manager of national rugby team was awarded with this special deed, 5 000 GEL plastic card from “Basis Bank”. Levan Vasadze veteran sportsman awarded Gorgodze with cross with Saint Giorgi’s image.
“This year we saw that rugby is special field of sport in Georgia, I believe that the same will continue in the future. The fact that Gorgodze is athlete of year is victory for whole rugby society in Georgia”- stated Gia Galdava deputy of minister of Sports and Youth Affairs.
This year summarizing event was held the fifth times and this time Gia Nizharadze president of Rugby Union of Georgia opened this event.
“I am glad that we keep tradition of saying good-bye to the previous year and meet New Year. 2011 is very important and special for us, because one more four-year circle finished. Georgian national team competing at world cup gave chance feeling of honor to Georgian people. As a result of competing there, since 2013 international rugby union will equalize us to elite rugby countries. Rugby is special field of sport, because we are as large family. Maybe there is some conflict, but in any case we remain as friends and it is very important to keep unity.
This year was held one of the best interior championship and final matches also prove it. As for me, I have never seen such final, even in final of cup, where leader was playing against the team which had left Supreme League, winner’s name was not famous till the last minute. First League and Youth League championships also were very interesting. I would like to thank to government for four-year program and “Kartu”, which helped us in improving of stadiums. I hope that this project will last in the future too. I would like to thank to our sponsors - “Natakhtari”, “Liberty Bank” and “Arkimede Global Georgia” and all these people, who help Georgian rugby without any profit. Success brings responsibilities and now we have to do more than our best, cheers to Georgian rugby, to our family! “- stated Gia Nizharadze.
Finally started awarding ceremony and firstly was awarded “Lokomotivi” Tbilisi with bronze medal. Nizharadze wished Temur Bendiashvili head coach of “Lokomitivi’, who is in hospital to recover quickly.  After this “Aia” Kutaisi was warded with silver medal – “Thanks to Beso Khamashuridze, Gia Gorgaslidze and “Caucasus Online”, which helped us to renovate traditional team” – stated Nizharadze and than awarded “Aia”, successful competitor of Georgian rugby championship, Georgian Cup and Sevens Cup.
After that traditionally was named symbolic team of Georgia, which is the following: 15. Besik Khamashuridze (Aia), 14. Giorgi Shkinini (Armia), 13. Sandro Todua (Lelo), 12. Irakli Chkhikvadze (Aia), 11. Aleksandre Tuchashvili (Armia) 10. Lasha Khmaladze (Lelo), 9. Bidzina Samkharadze (Armia), 8. Givi Berishvili (Lokomotivi) and Besik Udesiani (Armia), 7. Giorgi Kalmakhelidze (Armia), 6. Giorgi Tkhilaishvili (Armia), 5. Davit Chitadze (Lokomotivi), 4. Khvicha Bujiashvili (Armia), 3. Giorgi Vephkhvadze (Lokomotivi) and Tariel Chkhikvadze (Aia), 2. Beka Mekokishvili (Armia), 1. Zurab Zhvania (Aia).
So, as far as you see 8 rugby players from “Armia” are symbolic team, 4 players from silver prize winner “Aia” Kutaisi, 3 from the third place winner “Lokomotivi” and two from “Lelo”.
Besik Khamashuridze of “Aia” was awarded with special prize and musical centre for the best try scorer of Georgia. He scored 13 tries in this season, Davit Kiknadze captain of “Armazi” bombardier of championship was awarded with musical centre, he gained 195 points.
Finally veterans who turned 70, 60 and 50 were awarded. After them U-17 and U-19 teams, which succeed at European championships were awarded. Besik Khamashuridze head coach of “Aia” was named as coach of year and awarded with digital video-camera by “Arkimede Global Georgia”. He also was named as the best player of Championship and was awarded with LCD TV from “Caucasus Online”. Finally was named athlete of year- Mamuka Gorgodze!
Zura Ksovreli

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