Jun 6, 2011

The Third Place at Trophy and the 15th in World

Georgians, like other nations, are maximalists but we should be realists and believe that Georgian U-20 rugby team took the third place at World Trophy. We should confess that if Tbilisi had not hosted this tournament, perhaps, we would have achieved worse result.
The third place means that we showed better result than we did in 2008. 16 best teams participated in World Trophy then. “The Lelos” played in Chile and took the 3rd place. Now, 12 teams competed in the tournament and 4 strong teams were added to Trophy. Georgia took the 3rd place again. So, after the best 12 and finalist teams, we are in the 15th place in the world. In 2008, Uruguay beat Georgia in the final of the group stage. Now, we took revenge and beat Uruguay. The boys fought and deserved success.
Georgians tried to play better in the first half of the match for the third place. Georgian team gained territorial advantage and scored two penalties. Though, Uruguay scored two penalties within 5 minutes. Before the break, Georgians did their best and scored try but referee did not count it. The opponent took out, Tkhilaishvili attacked well and Chilachava scored try. Kobakhidze used conversion.
Another attack of Georgians had result at the end of the half. Mchedlishvili scored try and Kobakhidze used conversion. Georgian team won the first half 20:6.
It seemed that the hosts should have increased advantage in the second but it did not happen so. Uruguay used technical mistakes of Georgians. They gained territorial advantage. 15 minutes after the break, the opponent scored two penalties and one conversion.
At the 57th minute, Kobakhidze had chance to score penalty but he missed it. Uruguay did its best. First, the team tried to score conversion and at the 65th minute, Uruguay could not score penalty.
Time was expiring. Uruguay had advantage and at the 76th minute, Georgians were in more difficult situation. Nikolas Barbatos got injury 3 minutes after he started playing. Gagoshvili almost choked him. Fortunately, doctors managed to save him and Georgian was sin-binned.
“The Lelos” attacked the opponent but they could not go farther than center. Finally, Georgians won 20:15 and took the 3rd place.
This tournament must be summaries positively. Georgian team played against four different opponents and our minuses were found out. IRB should care more about developing countries.
Paata Narimanashvili (head coach of Georgian team): “Thanks god we gained so many points in the first half that was enough for our victory. Uruguay has a very good team. We expected more resistance from Uruguay in the fist half. Our opponent played much better in the second half. If we had played in the second half like we did in the first one, we would have won with bigger difference. It seemed that we were not ready for this tournament. Physical and psychological preparations were not enough for beating Japan. After the first 2 matches, we almost improved our mistakes. Fields are just started building in Georgia and I believe that we will achieve more success in future”.
Giorgi Tkesheliadze (rugby player of Georgian team): “We found it difficult to play in defense and attack. Also, we were in a bad mood today. We lost against Japan because we did not use all our reserve. We thought we would easily overcome obstacle but it was not so”.

Juan Baldomir (assist of head coach of Uruguayan team): “We should discuss this match with two different halves. We lost the first half but played better in the second one. Unfortunately, it was not enough for victory”.
World U-20 Rugby Trophy. Tbilisi (Georgia)
June 5. Sunday. For the third place. “Avchala”. 1900
Georgia– Uruguay 20:15 (20:6)
Georgia: 15. Bakhva Kobakhidze, 14. Zurab Dzneladze, 13. Davit Losaberidze (Giorgi Margiani 7, Vano Gabroshvili 57), 12. Giga Gagoshvili, 11. Levan Gogolashvili, 10. Ucha Mchedlishvili, 9. Ramaz Jinashvili (Jimi Gambashidze 77); 1. Zaza Navrozashvili (Zurab Eristavi 63), Merab Matkava (Irakli Chomakashvili 71), 3. Levan Chichalava, 4. Beka Bitsadze, 5. Kote Mikautadze (Giorgi Jgenti 60), 6. Giga Tkhilaishvili, 7. Giorgi Tkesheliadze, 8. Khvicha Bujiashvili (Beka Khipashvili 71).
2 tries: Chilachava, Mchedlishvili
2 conversions: Kobakhidze
2 penalties: Kobakhidze
Sin-binned: Gagoshvili

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